Member Testimonials

What our members' have to say...

"In my role with the Colorado Integrated Food Safety Center of Excellence, I've facilitated multiple CIFOR Toolkit self-evaluations. The meetings provide an opportunity for outbreak investigators to collaborate outside the frenetic pace of an outbreak investigation. The Toolkit and other CIFOR products provide a structure for agencies to reflect and strive for improvement. CIFOR products also allow flexibility to tailor each meeting to the users' needs."

Rachel Jervis - Colorado Food Safety Center of Excellence

“In 2015, the Council for Outbreak Response for Healthcare Associated Infections and Antibiotic Resistance (CORHA) looked to CIFOR as a model for successful engagement from a multi-disciplinary group of local, state and federal stakeholders and scientific experts. Our goal was to develop a national strategy and standards for HAI and AR outbreak reporting and response. CORHA continues to be inspired by the rigor and quality of CIFOR guidance and products and aspires to attain the level of engagement and impact that CIFOR has demonstrated over the past decade.”

Elizabeth Mothershed - The Council for Outbreak Response: Healthcare-Associated Infections

“In 2012, the International Food Protection Training Institute (IFPTI) working with the Association of Food & Drug Officials (AFDO) and the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) used the CIFOR toolkit as a model to produce the Integrated Food Safety System (IFSS) toolkit. The IFSS toolkit allows stakeholders within a state, district, or region to self-assess their integration efforts and identify actions that would allow them to work in a more coordinated and effective fashion. We successfully piloted the toolkit in the states of Michigan and Georgia. AFDO, IFPTI and FDA are grateful for the opportunity to extend the use of the CIFOR Toolkit to IFSS stakeholders.” 

Joe Corby - Association of Food and Drug Officials