CIFOR Guidelines and Toolkit Implementation Webinar for Decision Makers
This webinar is directed towards decision makers including state and local health department directors and program managers. It will cover the burden of foodborne diseases in the U.S., the impact a large outbreak can have on a jurisdiction, and resources that can help improve foodborne outbreak prevention and control efforts (to minimize the impact of foodborne diseases on a jurisdiction). The goal of this webinar will be to motivate decision makers to designate resources to improve foodborne disease outbreak response in their jurisdiction and introduce them to resources that can help them be more successful.
CIFOR Guidelines and Toolkit Implementation Webinar for Public Health Professionals
This webinar is directed towards public health professionals at the state and local level who are directly involved in foodborne disease surveillance and outbreak detection, investigation, and control. The target audience includes epidemiologists, environmental health specialists and sanitarians, laboratorians, public health nurses, and public health educators. This webinar will help these audiences become more familiar with the CIFOR Guidelines, the CIFOR Toolkit process and materials, and experiences of other health departments in using these resources. The goal will be for audience members to be able to initiate and carry out actions to improve foodborne disease surveillance and outbreak detection and investigation in their jurisdictions.